Saturday, January 01, 2005

We will earn our bread

Leave us alone, we will earn our bread

Mohammad Sadeg Janansefat – Economist, in an article of Sharq states: people believe that president candidates are ambitious individuals and not just some aid workers. Furthermore, the president according to the Iranian Constitution is a powerful man which his acts and thoughts would have serious effects on people’s destiny and future.

The candidates of the presidency have unfortunate interpretation of the people’s opinion as they consider the mass homogenous, forming an indivisible unit. With similar musts and needs, this is quite simplistic approach to the potential voters. The asset holders and industrialists, traders, managers and technocrats close to power, peasants without land, petit traders, factory workers, governmental staff, artists, writers, journalists and intellectuals, etc….are the major social classes that have different expectations which sometimes are even paradoxical. However they all share the element of “voting right” which categorizes them in one class as “voters”. They can use this right to cast their ballot in favor of one candidate, or they can refrain from voting. Unfortunately the candidates consider people some hungry voters waiting for a savior to reach and provide bread and save them from hunger. But evidences prove that bread is not all what people are seeking. According to Amartia Sen what people need in their aspiration to ascend to higher social class in the society is formulated in individual freedom. According to Sen; there are five freedom elements that would allow people to live at peace and welfare. Political, economic, social, transparency, and security are among the five freedom elements mentioned by Sen, these freedoms would empower people enabling them to sustain their activities, livelihood and welfare. If these freedoms are provided and guarded against; people are able to provide bread not only for themselves but also for others. If people would have had free space to express themselves; they would repeat that please leave us alone in our business, we would certainly earn our bread.