Cognition Network
İn Effect, 'learning' consists of neuron networks being formed and strengthened as a consequence of expereience, 'forgetting' can result from networks being weakened, broken or their patterns distorted, either through physical or electrochemical disturbances of the neurons or through experiences that disrupt established network patterns; such experiences as a newly introduced belief or skill that conflicts with an established one, or as a person recieving punishment for a behaviour.
Studies have shown that neurons increase when individuals are palced in stimulating environments and learn new skills. Furthermore, not only do the behaviour settings influence our behaviour, but also we ourselves influence those settings to some degree by the way we act.
Each person is located in a particular time and place in relation to the society's phases. Time refers to what is occuring in the society at different junctures in the person's development. Hence, time assumes the form of a life-stage principle which states that the influence of a historical event on the life course depends on the stage at which individuals experience the event (Elder, 1996, p 52).
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