Electron microscopy
Electron microscopy and microanalysis are an integral part of many research activities of other groups in the Department, including processing, polymers and ceramics, and there is a strong interaction with the modelling group.
In recent years the Oxford EM&M Group has undergone major growth, including expansion into the Begbroke site and the installation of the world's first double aberration-corrected TEM/STEM. The group includes Professors Cockayne and Kirkland and Drs Hutchison, Jenkins and Nellist as academic staff, and is expanding into new research areas, and seeking collaborations. It has a well-developed formal and informal postgraduate training programme, in modular form, and a seminar series. An innovative schools outreach programme has a remotely accessible SEM (Oxford CyberSEM), supported by modules aimed at the school curriculum. Collaborations with JEOL through the JEOL Applications Laboratory at the Begbroke Site of the University involve the new aberration corrected FEG(S)TEM and the remote microscopy project.
flexural rigidity - a measure of the resistance of the lithosphere to bending on long (i.e. > 105 years) time-scales.
flexural response function - the wavenumber parameter that modifies the Airy response to loads to produce the flexural response.
Better photocells from bigger Buckyballs: Now, a group of scientists collaborating from several research institutions, namely the Georgetown University, Washington DC, Luna Innovations Inc., Virginia, the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen, Germany, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado, and the University of Santa Barbara have developed a novel fullerene species for this application [Ross, et al., Nature Materials (2009), doi:10.1038/NMAT2379].
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