Monday, November 30, 2009

Si NanoWire Biosensor

Silicon nanowire SiNW FETs could be used to detect binding and unbinding of proteins to their corresponding ligands linked to nanowire surfaces in aqueous solutions. Proteins and nucleic acids also have been detected by using carbon nanotubes and SiNW FETs, respectively.

fig 1 - Detection of ATP binding. (A) Conductance (G) vs. ATP concentration for SiNWs modified with Abl (red curve) and a device prepared in an identical fashion, except Abl was not coupled to the surface (black curve). Regions 1, 2, and 3 correspond to 0.1, 3, and 20 nM ATP, respectively. Arrows indicate the points where solution is changed. (Inset) Scanning electron micrograph of a typical SiNW FET device. The nanowire is highlighted by a white arrow and is contacted on either end with Ti/Au metal electrodes. (Scale bar: 500 nm.) (B) Change in conductance (ΔG) vs. ATP concentration for Abl-modified SiNW (red) and SiNW without Abl (black).

ATP Sensing. Typical time-dependent data recorded from an Abl-modified SiNW device (Fig. 1) exhibited reversible, concentration-dependent increases in conductance upon introducing buffer solutions containing ATP. The reversibility of these concentration-dependent increases was evident from the corresponding decreases in conductance to baseline value upon introducing buffer solution without ATP. The observed increases in conductance are consistent with the binding of negatively charged ATP to Abl. Specifically, a p-type SiNW FET will exhibit an increase (decrease) in conductance when the gate-voltage is negative (positive) because of the accumulation (depletion) of carriers. Binding of negatively charged ATP to the Abl kinase increases the negative surface-charge density and increases conductance similar to a negative gate voltage.

Wang U W et al, Label-free detection of small-molecule–protein interactions by using nanowire nanosensors, PNAS March 1, 2005 vol. 102 no. 9 3208-3212

Fig 2-Nanowire with excitation at the bottom end and top end (no plasmon excitement)

Nanowire Nanosensors for Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of Biological and Chemical Species

fig 3- NW nanosensor for pH detection. (A) Schematic illustrating the conversion of a NW FET (field effect transistor) into NW nanosensors for pH sensing. The NW is contacted with two electrodes, a source (S) and drain (D), for measuring conductance. Zoom of the APTES-modified SiNW surface illustrating changes in the surface charge state with pH. (B) Real-time detection of the conductance for an APTES-modified SiNW for pHs from 2 to 9; the pH values are indicated on the conductance plot. (inset, top) Plot of the time-dependent conductance of a SiNW FET as a function of the back-gate voltage. (inset, bottom) Field-emission scanning electron microscopy image of a typical SiNW device. (C) Plot of the conductance versus pH; the red points (error bars equal ± 1 SD) are experimental data, and the dashed green line is linear fit through this data. (D) The conductance of unmodified SiNW (red) versus pH. The dashed green curve is a plot of the surface charge density for silica as a function of pH.

networks of protein interactions

Systems Biology and New Technologies Enable Predictive and Preventative Medicine

A network perturbation model of galactose utilization in yeast. This model reflects the integration of mRNA levels for the 6000 yeast genes in each of 20 different genetic and environmental perturbations, as well as thousands of protein/protein and protein/DNA interactions from the literature. The software program Cytoscape (54) integrated these data into a network where the nodes represent proteins (encoded by genes) and the lines represent interactions (blue straight lines, protein/protein interactions; yellow lines with arrows, protein/DNA interactions). A gray scale represents the levels of mRNA, with black being abundant levels and white very low levels. The red node indicates that this network model reflects the knockout of the corresponding gene (and protein) gal 4—a key transcription factor. rProtein, ribosomal protein; nt, nucleotide; synth, synthesis.

Hood et al, Science 22 October 2004: Vol. 306. no. 5696, pp. 640 - 643

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Oxford's Begbroke science park

"We must improve at translating good ideas into commercial success."
(Sir Digby-Jones, Director-General of the CBI)

When the size of the structure is decreased, surface to volume ratio increases considerably and the surface phenomena predominate over the chemistry and physics in the bulk (Sammy)

Innovation is key to meeting many of today’s development challenges, and the primary force for innovation is fundamental research. Without it, there would be no science to apply. Faraday's experiments on electricity, for example, were driven by curiosity but eventually brought us electric light. No amount of R&D on the candle could ever have done that. Electric light came from innovation driven by fundamental science.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Faith of Silica nanoparticles in wastewater treatment

Fate of Silica Nanoparticles in Simulated Primary Wastewater Treatment

Peter Dobson et al, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2009, 43 (22) pp 8622-8628

Through novel application of small-angle neutron scattering, we examined the fate of silica nanoparticles (SiO2NPs) during simulated primary wastewater treatment, by measuring, in real time, the colloidal behavior of SiO2NPs in wastewater (sewage). We examined the effects of surface functionality on SiO2NP fate in wastewater, by comparing both unfunctionalized (uncoated or “bare”) SiO2NPs and SiO2NPs functionalized with a thin coating of a nonionic surfactant (Tween 20), which is widely used in personal care and household product formulations containing engineered oxide nanoparticles. Our results show new evidence that the surface functionality of SiO2NPs plays a crucial role in their flocculation and sedimentation behavior in wastewater, and thus the likely efficacy of their removal from the effluent stream during primary wastewater treatment. Uncoated SiO2NPs did not flocculate in wastewater over typical residence times for primary treatment. Conversely, surface-functionalized (Tween-coated) SiO2NPs underwent rapid flocculation in wastewater. Our results show that the surface-functionalized SiO2NPs are likely to be removed by sedimentation to sewage sludge (typically recycled to land), whereas uncoated SiO2NPs will continue through the effluent stream. While nanoparticle design is driven by use purpose, this study shows new potential for exploiting surface functionalization of nanoparticles to modify their environmental pathways.

How do model hydrophobic polymers respond to interfaces having a range of chemistries from hydrophobic to hydrophilic?
To what surfaces do such polymers “stick”, and what is the magnitude of the binding free energy?
What conformational changes occur upon adsorption onto different surfaces?
How different are the dynamics at the interface, and to what extent are they influenced by the interfacial chemistry?

Water-mediated interactions drive the polymer to adsorb strongly at a hydrophobic interface and repel it from hydrophilic ones. At hydrophilic surfaces, van der Waals interactions between the polymer and the surface mitigate this water-mediated repulsion, leading to weak adsorption of the polymer. Although the polymer is strongly adsorbed to hydrophobic surfaces, it is also most dynamic there. Translational diffusion and conformational dynamics are faster at hydrophobic surfaces compared to those at hydrophilic ones.

Unwanted adsorption is a significant problem in a range of applications from separation processes (e.g.,membrane fouling6) tomarine coatings (7-10) to implants.(1,2) Alternatively, one may be interested in controlling and engineering binding in a specific manner leading to an alignment of molecules or pattern formation with applications in sensing and detection.(3-6)

The thermodynamics of adsorption are then governed by the interplay of intermolecular interactions between them. In aqueous systems, the structural organization of water molecules near a given surface and a solute induces water-mediated interactions between them.17 These water-induced interactions contribute in
addition to the direct surface-solute interactions and can be attractive (e.g., hydrophobic) or repulsive depending on the chemistry and the nature of the surface and the solute. In situations where the solute molecule is conformationally flexible,
additional important questions arise regarding preferred conformations in the adsorbed state and the dynamics of conformational transitions at the interface.

How Surface Wettability Affects the Binding, Folding, and Dynamics of
Hydrophobic Polymers at Interfaces, Langmuir article, Received April 3, 2009. Revised Manuscript Received April 27, 2009
(1) Pavithra, D.; Doble, M. Biomed. Mater. 2008, 3.
(2) Wisniewski, N.; Reichert, M. Colloids Surf., B 2000, 18, 197–219.
(3) Hayden, O.; Lieberzeit, P. A.; Blaas, D.; Dickert, F. L. Adv. Funct. Mater.
2006, 16, 1269–1278.
(4) Choi, I.; Kang, S. K.; Lee, J.; Kim, Y.; Yi, J. Biomaterials 2006, 27, 4655–
(5) Mrksich, M.; Dike, L. E.; Tien, J.; Ingber, D. E.; Whitesides, G. M. Exp.
Cell Res. 1997, 235, 305–313.
(6) Shi, H. Q.; Tsai, W. B.; Garrison, M. D.; Ferrari, S.; Ratner, B. D. Nature
1999, 398, 593–597.
(7) Dobretsov, S.; Dahms, H. U.; Qian, P. Y. Biofouling 2006, 22, 43–54.
(8) Genzer, J.; Efimenko, K. Biofouling 2006, 22, 339–360.
(9) Yebra, D. M.; Kiil, S.; Dam-Johansen, K. Prog. Org. Coat. 2004, 50, 75–104.
(10) Schmidt, D. L.; Brady, R. F.; Lam, K.; Schmidt, D. C.; Chaudhury, M. K.
Langmuir 2004, 20, 2830–2836.

Static ion mass spectrometry of adsorbed protein, Anal. Chem. 1003, 65, 1431-1430

Static secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) was used to analyze proteins adsorbed to biomaterial surfaces. A spectral interpretation protocol was established by examining homopolymers of 16 amino acids. This protocol allows for the assignment of peaks unique to the various amino acids. Static SIMS was used to analyze plasma proteins adsorbed to titanium. The various factors that contributed to the relative intensities observed in the spectra were explored.

Proteins are composed of 20 amino acids. The molar 5% C, 0, and N in most proteins is remarkably constant. Proteins, except for a few specific structural proteins, have
similar amino acid contents. In a study comparing the frequency of occurrence of each amino acid residue in the primary structure of 207 unrelated proteins, the number of times an amino acid is observed in a randomly chosen portion of the molecule is related only to its frequency; that is, proteins do not exhibit characteristic sequences at the local leve1. However, a concern for specific higher order distributions (apolar, polar, charged, etc.) is expressed, because such
distributions lead to specific chain folding and protein c~nformation.I~t ~i s manifestations of this higher order distribution, related to protein orientation and conformation at surfaces, that is of interest in the biological reaction of proteins at interfaces. This study provides some of the groundwork needed to explore amino acid distributions within the outermost 20 A of a protein layer.

33) Paynter, R. W.; Ratner, B. D. In Surface and Interfacial Aspects
of Biomedical Polymers; Andrade, J. D., Ed.; Plenum: New York, 1985;
(34) Klapper, M. H. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1977,78,1018 -1024

Friday, November 13, 2009

lab on a chip


Nanocoatings are opening up new market opportunities in areas such as anti-microbialism, thermal insulation, dirt and water repellency, hardness, corrosion resistance, flame retardancy, UV stability, anti-graffiti, self-cleaning, moisture absorbing, gloss retention and chemical and mechanical properties that are improved significantly using nanostructured materials.


We are your partner in Nano and Bio Manufacturing

Consult with us your industry needs




rHEALTH is a portable handheld device that can diagnose hundreds of diseases using a single drop of blood with gold-standard accuracy. rHEALTH diagnoses biomarkers for an early warning sign of serious diseases.

 Request Info:


NANOPLEX™ biomarker detection

These silica-coated, surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-active metal nanoparticles allow robust, ultrasensitive, highly-multiplexed biomarker quantitation in any biological matrix, including whole blood.

DANA Diabecare received FDA approval in 2001 

Glucose Meter integrated into the Remote Control – sends info automatically to the Insulin Pump through wireless communication system.

Johnson&Johnson (LifeScan): OneTouch Ultramini:
One Touch Ping: use gold strips ,
The OneTouch® Ultra is a small, easy to use and very fast meter, producing results in five seconds. The OneTouch Ultra uses FastDraw™ Design test strips, a new capillary action, end-fill test strip that takes only 1 microliter of blood, is touchable, and is approved for alternative sites (e.g., the arm instead of the finger tip). Combining small blood volume, small size (3.12" x 2.25" x .85", 1.5 ounces with battery) and the short, 5-second test time, the OneTouch Ultra is recommended, though the newer OneTouch Ultra2 and UltraMini are better choices (especially the new UltraMini, now that it has a data port).

The InDuo is the world's first combined blood glucose meter and insulin dosing device.
The glucose meter ...(800) 663-5521, Voice Canada (408) 946-6070 Fax ...

Roche - Accu-Chek Advantage: Roche;

Accu-check Aviva Nano: (insert strip), 
 Accu-Chek Mobile system = 50 tests, Strip free, virtual monitoring,

Bayer:Acsencia Elite XL, in Canada, Bayer,
Contour next EZ:
When purchasing Ascensia Elite XL Monitor it is required that you provide them with a signed prescription by your doctor.

Auto Control iTest, Zero-Click,
Powered by WaveSense Technology = Recently performed multi-site clinical studies tested the accuracy of the iTest of strips to generate over 2200 data points. The iTest was shown to be extremely accurate. Data collected by finger-stick method on individuals with type 1 and type 2 Diabetes (compared to laboratory standard† ). Results are for > 4.2 mmol/L.  

BD Latitude, BD logic; BD Medical, a segment ofBD (Becton, Dickinson and Company) (NYSE:BDX),
BD Medical Notifies Blood Glucose Monitor Users in the US and Canada About a Potential Malfunction with its Meters (2006)
BD , c/o 101 Mary Street W. Suite 300 , Whitby, Ontario, L1N 2R4
Product Notification Group , 1-866-556-8123
Warning by Health Canada on units of measure - In Canada, the monitors identified above are programmed to display test results in "mmol/L" and cannot be changed by the user. On very rare occasions these monitors may switch the blood glucose test result display from "mmol/L" to "mg/dL".This might happen during an event such as installing a battery or dropping the monitor.

Abbott; Freestyle Freedom
on May 9, 2012 Abbott announced its new FreeStyle Insulinx Blood Glucose Monitor system available in diabetes centres and select pharmacies across Canada:

Abbott;Precision Xtra;

a blood glucose meter that tests for ketone too; (insert strip),

MedTronic Infusion Sets:
Comparing current Insulin Pumps: Animas, Accu-chek, Medtronic, Insulte, Sooil USA, Tandem diabetes,

HDI Side Kick

HDI TrueTrack

Life Technologies; Dynabeads® are used for magnetic separation and handling of biomoleculesin a wide range of assays and applications. The  Dynabeads® act as a solid-phase with true liquid-phase kinetics, and is easily adapted to automated liquid-handling platforms.
Dynabeads® are uniform, monosized superparamagnetic beads, composed of highly cross-linked polystyrene with evenly distributed magnetic material. The beads are further coated, enclosing the iron oxide inside the beads. To allow full flexibility, a range of surface-activated Dynabeads® are available (e.g. 1 μm / 2.8 μm / 4.5 μm bead diameter, hydrophobic / hydrophilic surface characteristics, and with epoxy- / amine- / tosyl- / hydroxyl- / carboxylic acid surface groups available for coupling).


Oxford Photovoltaics

Our technology uses abundant and non-toxic organic solar cell materials that are screen printed directly onto glass, so the manufacturing process is simple, cheap and extremely scalable both in size of substrate and production volume. Using glass, the solar cell can be transparent, self-coloured and ideal for integration into the facade or cladding of buildings in applications known as Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV).






UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO: The APD Group works closely with industry and research partners, helping develop innovative technologies and conducting forwarding looking fundamental and applied research.






28 June 2012, Researchers at the University of Oxford have won a major materials science prize to develop a high-technology coating with the potential to significantly reduce the manufacturing costs of new-generation solar photovoltaic cells.


Medicinal products containing nanoparticles in the form of liposomes (i.e. Caelyx, Myocet), polymer protein conjugates (i.e. PegIntron, Somavert), polymeric substances (i.e. Copaxone) or suspensions  (i.e. Rapamune, Emend) have already been granted Marketing Authorisations within the Community under the existing regulatory framework. 
 The table below provides a breakdown of the type of nanostructures utilized in the confirmed and likely nanomedicine products. The various forms of free nanoparticles were the most prevalent categories, with significant numbers in both commercial products and investigational applications.

 Read More here:

Liquid Solar Cells - Crystalline nanoparticles of cadmium selenide could be suspended in liquid and painted or printed on to a suitable surface to make stable solar cells of almost any shape or size………………Researchers at South Carolina Univ found a way to make the liquid colloidal suspension electrically conductive by adding connecting ligands (the 1,2,3,4-thiatriazole-5-thiolate anion) using a relatively low-temperature process to stabilize the nanocrystals. The TTT- anion is relatively easy to synthesize the team says and acts as a “masked” thiocyanate, but without the issues that thiocyanate has with forming a stable ink.
Materials Today, Vol 15 No 6 June 2012

"The UK as a whole has four of the world's top six universities, and they typically spin out around 200 companies a year. Whilst London is best defined as a global talent hub, it can also be described as the world's largest science park, with financial and legal advice close at hand."

(Baroness Valentine, in the occasion of the Nanotechnology Knowledge Transfer Network (NanoKTN) and UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) in the London Hilton Park Lane, Nov 2009)

The gloomy time will pass, and good times will come back. This much is certain, when we finally enter the post crisis period, the business and economic context will not have returned to pre crisis context. The New Normal business scene will have changed. The result will be an environment that while different from the past, is no less rich in possibilities for those who are intelligently prepared. (Ian Davis)