Global Citizenship: the Handbook for Primary Teaching
Oxfam wins awards for 'outstanding' teaching resources
Two of Oxfam’s recent global teaching resources have received major accolades from the Geographical Association.
Water for All , an interactive online educational resource investigating the importance of clean water around the world, was presented with a Silver Award for 2005 at the GA’s annual awards ceremony.
The Geographical Association said, ’Water for All is the latest of Oxfam’s outstanding range of websites that support global education. This website is a worthy award winner. Every primary and Key Stage 3 teacher should investigate this site, and then explore further other Oxfam websites.’
Looking Behind the Logo: The Global Supply chain in the Sportswear Industry was awarded Highly Commended by the Association. They said:
’Oxfam have created a thought-provoking role-play activity booklet that is an excellent teaching resource and a source to explore development issues. The booklet uses sports and fashion wear as a vehicle to allow the students to study the workings of world trade and how it impacts on the lives of people worldwide.
This is a booklet that all secondary school geographers could use with their classes or simply to explore their own thoughts and attitudes on development issues. It shows how people’s values and attitudes affect issues, decision-making and the analysis of evidence.’
In the last two years we have also won awards for our Milking It! online resource, exploring trade issues, using case studies of farmers in Jamaica and Wales, and Global Citizenship: The Handbook for primary teaching, a book promoting social justice and equity through the curriculum.
Our Cool Planet website contains hundreds of education materials – many free to use or download – covering various development issues including water, trade, the environment, peace and conflict, equality and natural disasters. For a full list of books and other print resources visit
Find out more online at or contact Lucy Stephens on 01865 313248 or
This handbook explains the term "global citizenship" and develops its guiding principles into clear, practical pointers for use in school. By discussing the issues, ideas, and approaches in this handbook, users will be able to explore and develop their own understanding of global citizenship and bring its concepts into all their educational practice, through every subject area, into assemblies and across the whole school. Global citizenship is not an additional subject, but a way of teaching the existing curriculum which promotes social justice and equity.The book should be a valuable tool for classroom teachers, head teachers, teacher educators, student teachers, home school educators, non-teaching staff, governors and parents. This handbook is also ideal for PSHE co-ordinators and members of staff who are interested in finding out how to include a citizenship perspective in their teaching. The book is packed with discussion points, issues, ideas and approaches for practical citizenship teaching. All of the worksheets and extracts are photocopiable.
Global Citizenhip is an exciting new handbook that should be in every primary school. It has a number of strengths, not least from the geographical perspective. Among these is the ability to link geographical work with other aspects of the primary curriculum, particularly Literacy and PSHE.An early chapter provides a range of user-friendly activities for in-service work, to help develop a global perspective to the curriculum. These would be a really good starting point for any school, primary or secondary, wishing to develop the global aspects of citizenship.The following three substantive chapters consider Global Citizenship in general terms, Global Citizenship and Literacy, and finally Global Citizenship and Geography. There is much in the first two of these that is geography, giving a greater breadth to the subject than the narrow confines of the National Curriculum. In particular, there is a range of activities for assemblies and the Foundation Stage as well as the rest of the primary curriculum. Cross-curricular links are mode not just for the English National Curriculum, but also the curriculum in Scotland and Wales.The chapter on Geography shows where the links can be made between the QCA Scheme for Geography and Global Citizenship. A final chapter gives a very valuable and comprehensive list of Resources and Contacts.As a country, and for the future of our planet, we need to develop a global perspective within our children. If Geography is to flourish in the primary sector, it will be through introducing the ideas and approaches provided in this publication. There is much for the primary school in this handbook. Every school should use it. Award citation from the Geographical Association "...its content is excellent and it is well written....the pages will reveal a whole range of useful and valuable resources."Junior Education, May-02 "If anyone is in any doubt about what global citizenship means... this handbook is for them... chapters show how key elements of global citizenship can be incorporated into the curriculum... defines and makes the case for global citizenship clearly and convincingly." TES Primary, June-02 "...explains global citizenship and develops its principles into practical points.
" Child Education, Jun-02
STOCK CODE: 164941
FORMAT: Spiral / comb bound (pp: 176) 297 x 210mm (A4)
READERSHIP: Primary, Pre-School and Early Years,
PUBLISHED: 30 Oct 2001 PRICE: £25.00
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