Thursday, March 16, 2006

UK Education Debate

Key points of the education bill

'Trust schools'
every school to be able to become a foundation school, acquire a foundation and allow that foundation to appoint a majority of governors
local authorities to continue to be able to propose community schools in competitions for new schools
parents can complain about a school to Ofsted
councils empowered to require a weak school to collaborate with another school or to work with a partner on school improvement.

existing ban on selection by ability reaffirmed
ban on interviewing prospective pupils and their parents
schools must "act in accordance" with the admissions code, rather than simply "have regard to" it
local admissions forums can refer objections to the Schools Adjudicator and produce an annual report on fair access in their areas
parents get council help in choosing a school
free transport extended to help the poorest families

Meals, learning and discipline
nutritional standards applied to school meals
councils can offer free meals to all if they wish
teenagers entitled to new vocational diplomas
schools and colleges to collaborate in offering diplomas
duty on councils to ensure all children achieve their potential
all staff in schools get power to discipline misbehaving pupils even out of school
detention can be imposed on weekends
parenting contracts and orders are extended
parents made responsible for excluded children

Story from BBC NEWS: