Saturday, March 10, 2007

The UK's future climate change

The UK's future climate

Climate change scenarios have been developed for the UK to show the possible changes in the UK climate over the 21st century. The scenarios, known as UKCIP02, are an important advance in our understanding of future climate change, providing information on possible changes at a regional level, along with insight into potential changes in extreme weather events and sea level.

Here is a quick guide to the climate changes the UK can expect.


Rain and snow

Sea Level Changes

This information is taken from a UKCIP report on possible changes to the UK’s climate. You can download a copy of the summary report or request a printed version here.

Further information is also provided in UKCIP’s reports which can be downloaded or ordered from here

Researchers requiring more detailed information on the UKCIP02 scenarios and their use within climate change impact assessments should visit the Scenarios Gateway
