Wednesday, April 11, 2007

On Education

According to a new study by the London School of Economics for the Prince's Trust, nearly 20 percent of Britons aged between 16 and 24 are 'Neets' – that is, not in education, employment or training. As a group this 1.2 million 'Neets' costs the UK economy £3.65 billion every year.

what Boris is touching on is the sense of entitlement that young people have today. They grow up with luxuries and comforts that were the preserve of the rich a few years back, and live their lives through celebrities who don't talk or act that much differently to themselves. It's understandable then that they assume any failure to have their expectations rewarded is a travesty of justice. The result is envy and bitterness, and a resentment of other people's success. Combined with the state-sponsored message that men should be less competitive and assertive, they feel alienated and irrelevant. They climb off the ladder of social mobility and allow the mindset of low expectations to become part of their identity. It's all very sad.

Comments by Tayle s