Sunday, June 03, 2007

Measuring environmental degradation

All compounds in nature are toxic at high enough concentration, even some innocuous substances have adverse affects when present in high concentration. Much of the environmental legislation is drafted in terms of specifying maximum concentration of species in areas of the environment. İt is important to determine natural level of compounds to determine the extendt of environmental degratdation, covering also analysis of a compound not naturally found in the environment. İt is, however, becoming rare places to examine what an unpolluted environment is. İnterpretation of the analytical data needs tobe based on the relationship between the analytical concentration and the effect on organisms. This correlation is difficult to determine.

With 3 billion new consumers from İndia, Russia, and China joining the world economy, it is inevitable that manufacturing clean, greem power systems, appliances, homes and cars will be the next great global industry. İt has to be, or we will not survive as a species ..........We still have only energy politics, not energy policy.

Thomas Friedman, American's green bubble, Herald Tribune, June 4