Thursday, June 21, 2007

Memory and Cognition

İt is argued that awareness of the stimuli inhibits the mere exposure effect because awareness engages the correction process in mind.

But testing this found that words exposed five and ten times were recognized and liked significantly more than words that had not been presented, contrary to what was asssumed.

Brooks and Watkins (1989) showed that liking and recognition were positively correlated and condluded that these are closely associated.

Context-dependent memorey referes to the phenomenon whereby a change in context between information learning and retrieval causes some of the originally encoded info to be forgotten. Evidence has shown that a wide range of contexts both external such as environmental, and internal such as mental, can produce these effects on recall with a good degree of reliability. İt is suggested that back ground music can act as a potent environmental context-dependent memory cue.

Effects of environmental context manipulation aby the combination of place and task on free recall, 2004, İsarida
Elements of episodic memory, Tulving, E., 1983, Oxford Univ Press

notes: Similarly, research should be undertaken to verify whether Heat (weather, seasonal, location) affect learning and cognition as part of Environmental impacts. İt may be related to the findings that environmental effects whether related to manipulations of location or other environmental contexts induce learning.

Recent research on the effective formation of memories suggest that, for pupils to learn certain sorts of information, brief repetition interspersed with complete breaks works well. So teachers delivered carefully scripted lessons lasting just eight minutes three times in succession.

Economist, Making Minds, June 2, 2007

Researchers have long had evidence that firstborns tended to be more dutiful and cautious than their siblings, and some previous studies found significant I.Q. differences. But critics said those reports were not conclusive, because they did not take into account the vast differences in upbringing among families.

New York Times, 22 June, Research finds first born gain highre İQ

"We are also providing one to one tuition for 300,000 pupils in maths and 300,000 in English to help low achievers in the basics. In recent years, the proportion of white boys eligible for free school meals achieving five good GCSEs has improved faster than the national average."

BBC Online, 21 June, Low attainers 'poor white boys'