Wednesday, July 11, 2007


The religion dimension may be a constructive coping strategy for healthy mind in old ages. Studies found that people with stronger spiritual bonds are more resilient in coping with their grief, and tend to recover rapidly after the death of a loved ones, compared to people with no spiritual beliefs.

Older people are much more concerned about the loss of mental health and function, as positive ageing equates with youthful attitudes, cognitive and adaptational processes. The productive activities of older people are strong indications of positive ageing, which contributes to their quality of life, and have implications for society.

Nowadays, obesity along with certain other deseases is increasingly studied in Geriatrics, because it is major causes of disability with consequences of dependancy of an impaired life in old age. Studies show that in obese persons, disability appears 10 years earlier than in person with normal weight, and that weight excess is closely associated with disability in old age.

The future of Aging, Nature, 2000, 408, 267-9
Walsh K., King M., Jones L., Spiritual beliefs may affect outcome of bereavement. BMJ 2002; 324:1551-6