Knowledge Transfer Partnership KTP
Oxford University's Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) office initiates and supports the University's KT partnerships between academics, companies and high-calibre graduates seeking to make an impact in the business environment. It enables companies to access the University's research expertise and facilities, academics to apply their knowledge to developing solutions to real-world problems and graduates to develop their business skills in tandem with involvement in hi-tech research at the University.
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships are part-funded by the Government, which reimburses a proportion of the University's costs. The company pays the rest - typically, for an SME, one third of the cost of the project plus its own business overheads.
For more details of the KTP scheme visit contact us at, download our handout summarising the benefits of KTPs to each of the partners, or visit the schemes national websites at |
Our most notable development being launch of a new 'Projects mini-section' of the
SAFENANO site, which details all of our past and ongoing projects, and provides access to many of the full reports which were produced as aresult of these. We'd appreciate your feedback on the information included in this section, so follow this link to have a look
Elsewhere the fields of regulation, guidance and standards have seen a number of new developments emerge in the last week. This has been particularly true within the US, where the ASTM announced revision of its nanotechnology standard E2490 'Guide for Measurement of Particle Size Distribution of Nanomaterials in Suspension by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy' following conduction of a large-scale inter-laboratory
study, and the EPA also released a draft for consideration of 'Nanomaterial Case Studies: Titanium Dioxide'. This document aims to take a comprehensive environmental assessment (CEA) approach to evaluating NPs in products, which combines a product life-cycle framework with the risk assessment paradigm (the applications included
in the case study being sunscreen and water treatment). Overall, it provides both a source of information for interested parties, and an insight into the current thinking being employed by EPA toward consideration of the EHS issues surrounding regulatable products. On a more global scale, the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies this week also announced the conference date and agenda for the project 'Regulating Nanotechnologies in the EU and US', which will include the
launch of its major report on "Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation: Securing the Promise of Nanotechnologies". Finally the IEST has announced issue of new guidance for the design of AMC filtration systems.
Public engagement and interation was also in the headlines this week, with the launch of a pilot site for the new UK-based Nano&Me initiative, announcement from the CNSE that it has appointed a new co-ordinator for its NanoHealth Initiative, news from the InForm project announcing its plans to provide a boost for formulation science in nanotechnology.
Standards & Regulations
ASTM revises nanotechnology standard E2490
ASTM International has announced a revision to its nanotechnology standard E2490.
IEST issues guideline for the design of AMC filtration systems
The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) has provided guidance for the design of filtration systems to eliminate trace amounts of airborne molecular contamination (AMC).
Government & Policy
Nanomaterial Case Studies: Nanoscale Titanium Dioxide
EPA releases draft document 'Nanomaterial Case Studies: Nanoscale Titanium Dioxide in Water Treatment and Topical Sunscreen'
Nanotoxicology & Ecotoxicology
Nanoparticles Affect Brain Development In Mice
Japansese researchers report that maternal exposure to nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (TiO2) affects the expression of genes related to the central nervous system in developing mice
InForm project provides boost to formulation science for nanotechnologies
A new 1.7 million euro EU funded project involving 17 world-leading research institutions will encourage the transfer of ideas and knowledge in formulation science for nano.
Call For Papers: Nanotechnology Exposure Assessment
The International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health is seeking submissions for a special issue exploring Human and Environmental Exposure Assessment for Nanomaterials.
Searching for engineered nanomaterials in the environment
An article published in ES&T discusses the shift in environmental research related to nanomaterials away from the lab towards looking for real nanomaterials in the environment.
Identifying critical research needs for the eco-responsible development of nanotechnology
An article published in ACS Nano summarises the outcomes of the recent ICON - sponsored environmental workshop & identifies the critical research needs for eco-responsible nanotechnology development.
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