Friday, August 17, 2007

Erudite Error

Yet even Plato lost sight of Providence when through an error common to human mind, whereby it measures the relatively unknown nature of others in accordance with itself, he raised the barbaric and rough origins of gentile humanity to the perfect state of his own exalted, divine and recondite knowledge, whereas he ought, on the contrary to have descended from his 'ideas' and sunk down to those origins.

God Accuracy

God knows every thing because he contains in himself the elements of which everything is composed. Man likewise tries to know everything by way of division so that human knowledge can be called an anatomy of the works of nature. Methaphysics studies being, arithmatic; geometry, figure and its measures; mechanics, motion around the center; physics, motion from the center; medicine, the body; logic, reason, ethics .....However, these sciences are, for the most parts, very imperfect and far from the truth; and having things only outside us, we cannot know them except by way of abstraction, thus, turning to our advantage that which is the mere defect of our mind. And by this abstraction are produced two sciences that are the most useful because they are the most certain: geometry and arithmatic from these two was begotten mechanics, whence all the arts needful to human kind were born.

Source: ...............Oxford Univ Press

Old thinkers were wrong endeavering to see the truth; human mind is not a mechanism for seeing the truth, in the sense meant by men of old. it is a mechanism for solving it's owner's problems from situtation to situation. it cannot function well apart from such situations.

Students in the high disciplines of philosophy, psychology and logic must first learn straight thinking, hence, logic above all, then scientific method. They must challenge problems and wrestle with them, and finally come to solutions, in a way that thinkers e.g. in mathematics, make discoveries.

While in natural sciences the aim is to understand laws that rule, in social sciences the aim is to understand subjectively meanings captured in expereinces. Hence, in qualitative research, the researcher attempts to understand and interpret meaning and motivation behind actions within the context that they have taken place. Understanding the situation is either through interpretation and observation or through explanation. Social, historical and cultural factors are recognised to play important role in shaping people's mind in their world making.

Qualitative research practice, for that matter, has evolved and bcame more complex in using methods which attempt to provide a holistic account of research participants' views and actions in the context of their lives.