Friday, January 28, 2005

How to organize the movement of neutrals?

By Mohammad Reza Tajik

From the strategic and functional point of view, analyzing the main incentive for maximizing people’s participation is not an easy task. This is rather critical issue as the analysis indicates there is no hope for reproduction and renovation of an all inclusive political party to speak for all. The political scene of today’s social context is a stage for several players and role makers of small groups who merely play as rivals of private aspirations in their highest impact. The shallowness of post modern era has shifted the prominence of parties, associations,organisations and other group identities to fall for the desired image of a charismatic leader. However the flux of information and multidimensional aspects of decision makings does not permit a total populist approach to such complex issues. While individual identities are given privilege over group identities there is no hope in expecting a homogenised chain of resistant or populist identity.

Can we think of a new movement to motivate people’s interest once again?
Can we create the desired orderly chaos?
Can we experience a team spirit with plurality of identities in this historical moment?
Can we create space in which mere participation rather than outcome and discussion rather than discourse is given advantage.
Can we use micro physics of power (atomic, molecular - local, and community power) and micro politics of needs to mobilize the mass?
How can we ultimately step in the grey land of election?
How can we turn our candidates into star?
How can we organize the movement of neutrals?

How can we express and stabilize an all inclusive discourse?

How can we strategise an all version play in their entirety but maintain uniqueness?
How can we link different social and political identities together yet maintain order in dispersion?

How can we make people believe that their participation have sheer effective, impact on their future rather than non-participation?

How can we establish and publicize a positive campaign?

Despite the deficiency of polity and decision, nonetheless there is a meaningful signal which requires political engagement and struggle.
In fact pure politics find its true place in casting maximum participation on the ground meant for minimum.

How can we grow the seed in people’s mind to take election as a National Endeavour?

More than half of population are aware of the significance and determination of the election on their future, more than half believe a free election will encourage people’s participation, more than half consider the presence of academia and experts in the election strengthens the incentives, more than half are preoccupied with their day to day issues concerned with problem solving policies; while those totally unsatisfied with the situation comprise twice than the few who are satisfied are having slight hope to improve their future conditions. With these facts by preparing the ground to enhance participation in the new presidency election.

We have altered quantity over quality for quite sometime while the effective participation of people must be pursued